Like a small base, like a Lego block, “Small is Beautiful”
Due to the complication of markets, it is an era that demands to develop new products and change business conditions consistently. I recently think now is an era of architectures to be like a small base camp, or a Lego blocks which we can reassemble each time the theme changes. Such building can be one of the options for companies to choose from when they build laboratories.

Building a laboratory as compact as possible provides many advantages, such as reducing the cost of building the facility, including maintenance and infrastructure fees.
However, with a compact laboratory, it is important to have know-hows about research equipment workers use and how they move in the building. You will also need a precise design and supervision if you want to make a bright and comfortable space where researchers won’t feel cramped.
With this project, we have had a through meetings with the researchers who will work at this building, and pursued functional and comfortable “Small is Beautiful”.

We will answer all your worries regarding the research facility's land search, new construction, renovation, relocation, etc.
Please feel free to contact us.
If you are unable to come to our office, or if it is difficult for us to make a visit, we will provide online consultation.